Corporate And Commercial Law

  • professional preparation and implementation of the establishment of companies,
  • professional preparation and implementation of general meetings of shareholders of public limited companies and limited liability companies (preparation of materials regarding general meetings of shareholders for supervisory boards, preparation of decisions with explanations, preparation of a notice convening the general meeting of shareholders, coordination with a notary, chairing of general meetings of shareholders),
  • professional preparation of rules and other documents of companies (articles of association, shareholders’ agreement, rules of procedure of the general meeting of shareholders, rules of procedure of the supervisory board, rules of procedure of the management board, preparation of rules regarding the protection of business secrets),
  • implementation of the change of legal form of companies,
  • implementations of mergers and divisions of companies (preparation of a timetable, organisation of valuation of companies, determination of the exchange ratio, preparation of a merger agreement or of a division plan, appointment of an auditor, preparation of the report of the managing board, preparation of the report of the supervisory board, execution of the general meeting of shareholders, implementation of registration with the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Competition Protection)
  • regulation of relationships within a group of companies,
  • professional advice and assistance regarding the protection of minority shareholders in a company, which is a member of a group,
  • professional advice and assistance in filing of compensation claims against the bodies of a company, against controlling companies and the like, preparation of relevant applications,
  • implementation of procedures for extraordinary or special auditing pursuant to the Takeovers Act,
  • advising regarding defence mechanisms against hostile takeovers,
  • advising on and preparing of expert opinions in all areas of corporate and commercial law and regarding capital issues of the business activities of companies (regarding the accounting for the purchase of treasury shares, the withdrawal of treasure shares and other corporate actions).